Tiffany Rattler
Following her passion for improving social conditions and helping disenfranchised communities, Tiffany uses her research, programming, and nonprofit experiences to facilitate change and build capacity at the grassroots level. A native of Houston, Tiffany is a strong advocate for health-related issues, particularly health disparities and those impacting vulnerable children. Tiffany previously served as the Lead Project Coordinator for the Center for Child Health Policy and Advocacy at Texas Children’s Hospital where she was instrumental in building the Center’s infrastructure and capacity during its formative years. Within the first three years of operation, this policy-center produced over 30 health policy-related publications, mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students, and convened a multi-disciplinary social determinants of health conference.
Formerly a research coordinator, Tiffany has experience in both clinical and health-services research. Tiffany finds the highlight of her research career to be the establishment of the Sickle Cell Education and Research Day (SCERD), an annual social support and educational event that brings together patients, families, health care providers and community stakeholder, in order to educate and develop disease management strategies and advocacy skills.
Today, Tiffany serves on the board and is the secretary for the recently established Houston Sickle Cell Collaborative, an organization established to assist the Houston Health Department with strategies to improve care for the sickle cell disease community.
Tiffany received her Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science from Texas A&M University, as well as a graduate certification in Nonprofit Leadership from Rice University.